Saturday, July 4, 2020

Cow Milk Research Paper - 2200 Words

Cow Milk Research Paper (Research Paper Sample) Content: Student name:Professor name:Course:Date:Cow milkIt is an immediate source of food used to feed young children before they can digest other types of food. It is white in color and is widely available in almost all from all the consumer food vendors. For years, milk has been known as the ultimate health drink. It was considered as the perfect way to boost well-being in a glass as it is packed with vitamins and minerals such as the calcium and phosphorus. However, recently scientific evidence has shown that variety of health scares have been linked to the different types of milk ( par 1).The Swedish researchers have found that taking more than a glass of milk a day exposes one to the risk of contracting ovarian cancer than without consuming it. Milk contains an insulin-growth factor, IGF-1 that may trigger the growth and development of the cancer cells. The IGF-1 contained in the milk is best designed for babiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ growth when they are at a tender age. IGF-1 found in the milk helps in growth and may also affect other functions in the body. Higher levels of IGF-1 have been found to have an effect on stimulating the growth of cancer cells in the body. Recently, a meta-analysis of 32 studies has found that a correlation between a higher consumption of dairy products and the increase in the risk of prostate cancer ( par 2).It is argued that milk contributes to a childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s impairment in the ability to absorb iron in the bloodstream. Among the little children, they may also cause subtle blood loss from the digestive tract of a baby. With its deficiency in iron, a child acquires no iron in it even after consuming a lot of milk per day. Other food alternatives need to be found that can supply younger children with iron in their bodies (Los Angeles timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s par 4).Studies conducted in various parts of the world has shown that higher consumption of milk has direct and positive correlation with the rates of deaths a rising from coronary heart disease. On further investigation of the same, countries that have lower milk consumption have indicated a reduced rates of the coronary heart diseases. Further studies continue to indicate that some of the nutritional benefits may be lost if a lactase-deficient, that is, the lactose intolerant individual consumes milk. The person under such case fails to receive the calories normally supplied by the undigested carbohydrates as well causing diarrhea that leads to losing of proteins. Two studies conducted in Boston and San Francisco in groups of children with recurrent abdominal pains shown about one-third of the children had their symptoms by the lactose intolerance. The simple solution to the problem that was applied in the study was the removal of all milk and milk products from the diet of the children (Kelly par 3).It has been argued that consumption of dairy products does not help in the formation of the bones at all. Studies carried on teenagers have shown that their adult bone health is attributed to their physical activity levels in their earlier life and not the amount of milk or calcium they consumed. In other words, milk consumption has apparently no help later in a childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s life if the child is not involved in outdoor physical activities (Kelly par 4).About half of the American women have claimed that consuming dairy products helps in the weight loss to people. However, there has been no sufficient evidence to support the claim that had been propagated by the milk industry. Several research studies conducted have failed to support the argument that drinking 24 ounces of milk every 24 hours a day facilitates peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s weight loss other than just cutting off their caloric intake on their food ( par 1).Flavored milk is not healthy beverage option to children or teens. They are found to contain sugar additives almost the same amount of that contained in sodas. Flavored milk is a significant source of fat that is saturated and with cholesterol in childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s diets. Higher levels of cholesterol intakes cause the blockage of major blood vessels due to the deposition of fats on their walls. Heavy consumers of cholesterol have chances of suffering from blood pressure. With the unflavored milk, only the naturally occurring sugar lactose is found in the cowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s milk. This type of sugar is not well digested by many children after attaining the age of 4 (Los Angeles timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s par 4).The organically kept cows are usually fed with high levels of fresh grass, grass cover silage, and clover pasture. Such cows produce milk containing on an average 50% higher vitamin E, alpha tucopherol, 75% higher in beta carotene that our bodies convert to vitamin A. It also contains about two to three timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s higher antioxidants lutein and Zea xanthine than the organic milk. Further, higher levels of omega three essential fatty acids are found in the milk produced by the inorganically reared cows. These higher compositions have adverse health effects on the consumerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s body.Consumption of contaminated raw milk exposes one to sickness. Microorganisms may find their way into the children's body if such milk is not boiled before drinking. It may contain a variety of microorganisms that may be harmful or fatal to people when consumed. Some of the bacteria found in raw milk Salmonella, Yersinia, Brucella, and campylobacter. However, through pasteurizing, harmful microorganisms are destroyed thus rendering milk safe for consumption to anyone. However, the raw milk has been unfairly singled out as a risk, and its only very small risk is attached to the consumption of the raw milk just it is possible for one to become sick from consuming from consuming any raw food. Nutrients including the beneficial bacteria such as the Lactobacillus acidophilus, enzymes and vitamins are found to be existing in the raw milk. People manifesting allergic traits aft er consuming the pasteurized milk for some time can do well and even thrive on consuming the raw milk ( par 7).Glue is a composite of proteins found in the milk. In the family of the mammalian proteins, it called the casein. High consumption of milk relates to the average number of the patients scheduled for psychiatrist appointments. It is common with the processed dairy. It conspires nutrient deficiencies in an incendiary collaboration that give rise to the brain pathology.Processed dairy is homogenized and pasteurized. It creates a dead, high sugar liquid containing distorted fats, denatured proteins and destroyed vitamins that are not absorbable in the body.Cross-reactivity and stimulation of antibody may occur if dairy products overlap with grains in the body. The overlap causes problems and disturbances in the body. Casein in the dairy if overlaps with lectins found in the grains can trigger intestinal changes, local and systematic inflammation. If this happens, bact erial toxins may find access to the bloodstream. In the bloodstream, they initiate inflammation and other associated symptoms (Peter par 4).A study carried with 400 volunteers found that immune system reacts to a perceived threat such as food protein, antibodies formed in response may occur to the tissue in the glands and organs that share the overlapping amino acids sequences. The same reaction has been found to dairy products consumed. This suggests a clustering of reactivity to the brain and the dairy products (Peter par 6).... Cow Milk Research Paper - 2200 Words Cow Milk Research Paper (Research Paper Sample) Content: Student name:Professor name:Course:Date:Cow milkIt is an immediate source of food used to feed young children before they can digest other types of food. It is white in color and is widely available in almost all from all the consumer food vendors. For years, milk has been known as the ultimate health drink. It was considered as the perfect way to boost well-being in a glass as it is packed with vitamins and minerals such as the calcium and phosphorus. However, recently scientific evidence has shown that variety of health scares have been linked to the different types of milk ( par 1).The Swedish researchers have found that taking more than a glass of milk a day exposes one to the risk of contracting ovarian cancer than without consuming it. Milk contains an insulin-growth factor, IGF-1 that may trigger the growth and development of the cancer cells. The IGF-1 contained in the milk is best designed for babiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ growth when they are at a tender age. IGF-1 found in the milk helps in growth and may also affect other functions in the body. Higher levels of IGF-1 have been found to have an effect on stimulating the growth of cancer cells in the body. Recently, a meta-analysis of 32 studies has found that a correlation between a higher consumption of dairy products and the increase in the risk of prostate cancer ( par 2).It is argued that milk contributes to a childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s impairment in the ability to absorb iron in the bloodstream. Among the little children, they may also cause subtle blood loss from the digestive tract of a baby. With its deficiency in iron, a child acquires no iron in it even after consuming a lot of milk per day. Other food alternatives need to be found that can supply younger children with iron in their bodies (Los Angeles timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s par 4).Studies conducted in various parts of the world has shown that higher consumption of milk has direct and positive correlation with the rates of deaths a rising from coronary heart disease. On further investigation of the same, countries that have lower milk consumption have indicated a reduced rates of the coronary heart diseases. Further studies continue to indicate that some of the nutritional benefits may be lost if a lactase-deficient, that is, the lactose intolerant individual consumes milk. The person under such case fails to receive the calories normally supplied by the undigested carbohydrates as well causing diarrhea that leads to losing of proteins. Two studies conducted in Boston and San Francisco in groups of children with recurrent abdominal pains shown about one-third of the children had their symptoms by the lactose intolerance. The simple solution to the problem that was applied in the study was the removal of all milk and milk products from the diet of the children (Kelly par 3).It has been argued that consumption of dairy products does not help in the formation of the bones at all. Studies carried on teenagers have shown that their adult bone health is attributed to their physical activity levels in their earlier life and not the amount of milk or calcium they consumed. In other words, milk consumption has apparently no help later in a childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s life if the child is not involved in outdoor physical activities (Kelly par 4).About half of the American women have claimed that consuming dairy products helps in the weight loss to people. However, there has been no sufficient evidence to support the claim that had been propagated by the milk industry. Several research studies conducted have failed to support the argument that drinking 24 ounces of milk every 24 hours a day facilitates peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s weight loss other than just cutting off their caloric intake on their food ( par 1).Flavored milk is not healthy beverage option to children or teens. They are found to contain sugar additives almost the same amount of that contained in sodas. Flavored milk is a significant source of fat that is saturated and with cholesterol in childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s diets. Higher levels of cholesterol intakes cause the blockage of major blood vessels due to the deposition of fats on their walls. Heavy consumers of cholesterol have chances of suffering from blood pressure. With the unflavored milk, only the naturally occurring sugar lactose is found in the cowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s milk. This type of sugar is not well digested by many children after attaining the age of 4 (Los Angeles timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s par 4).The organically kept cows are usually fed with high levels of fresh grass, grass cover silage, and clover pasture. Such cows produce milk containing on an average 50% higher vitamin E, alpha tucopherol, 75% higher in beta carotene that our bodies convert to vitamin A. It also contains about two to three timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s higher antioxidants lutein and Zea xanthine than the organic milk. Further, higher levels of omega three essential fatty acids are found in the milk produced by the inorganically reared cows. These higher compositions have adverse health effects on the consumerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s body.Consumption of contaminated raw milk exposes one to sickness. Microorganisms may find their way into the children's body if such milk is not boiled before drinking. It may contain a variety of microorganisms that may be harmful or fatal to people when consumed. Some of the bacteria found in raw milk Salmonella, Yersinia, Brucella, and campylobacter. However, through pasteurizing, harmful microorganisms are destroyed thus rendering milk safe for consumption to anyone. However, the raw milk has been unfairly singled out as a risk, and its only very small risk is attached to the consumption of the raw milk just it is possible for one to become sick from consuming from consuming any raw food. Nutrients including the beneficial bacteria such as the Lactobacillus acidophilus, enzymes and vitamins are found to be existing in the raw milk. People manifesting allergic traits aft er consuming the pasteurized milk for some time can do well and even thrive on consuming the raw milk ( par 7).Glue is a composite of proteins found in the milk. In the family of the mammalian proteins, it called the casein. High consumption of milk relates to the average number of the patients scheduled for psychiatrist appointments. It is common with the processed dairy. It conspires nutrient deficiencies in an incendiary collaboration that give rise to the brain pathology.Processed dairy is homogenized and pasteurized. It creates a dead, high sugar liquid containing distorted fats, denatured proteins and destroyed vitamins that are not absorbable in the body.Cross-reactivity and stimulation of antibody may occur if dairy products overlap with grains in the body. The overlap causes problems and disturbances in the body. Casein in the dairy if overlaps with lectins found in the grains can trigger intestinal changes, local and systematic inflammation. If this happens, bact erial toxins may find access to the bloodstream. In the bloodstream, they initiate inflammation and other associated symptoms (Peter par 4).A study carried with 400 volunteers found that immune system reacts to a perceived threat such as food protein, antibodies formed in response may occur to the tissue in the glands and organs that share the overlapping amino acids sequences. The same reaction has been found to dairy products consumed. This suggests a clustering of reactivity to the brain and the dairy products (Peter par 6)....

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